Friday, April 10, 2015

Four Ways to Keep Your Workouts Exciting

Quote:  Wellness is the compete integration of body, mind, and spirit - the realization that everything we do, think, feel, and believe has an effect on our state of well-being.
-Greg Anderson

Four Ways to Keep Your Workouts Exciting  
By Brian Neal

Here are some ways to keep your workouts fresh and exciting!

1-Reconnect With Your Childhood

We spent more time outdoors as children than we do as adults. Spend some time this spring getting in touch with your child side. Pick up a jump rope at a local sports store or toss around a frisbee with your partner. The more fun you have, the less it will seem as though you are working out, and you are apt to be more physical playing outdoors than you would be if you were cooped up in the house all day.

2-Game Faces

If you haven't picked up a tennis racket or kicked a ball around this winter, you have likely been away from the sports scene for way too long. Get involved in something competitive, whether it's bowling, an amateur softball league or some backyard football. Your body and brain will thank you for switching things up.

3-Encourage Group Activities

See if you can get a group of your friends together and agree on a time each week that all of you can come together and catch up over a walk in the park. Do you or any of your friends do karate? Why pay for an instructor? Agree on a night each week when all of you can come together and learn basic martial arts or yoga. You will learn to enjoy and even look forward to your workouts. 

4-Switch it Up

If you are in the market for taking a class, try something you've never done before. Take up cycling or sign up for an aerobics class. Participating in a physical activity with which you are unfamiliar is a good way to break the monotony; once or twice a week rid yourself of stress that has accumulated in your body over the winter. The less familiar you are in this new physical activity, the more interested and excited you will be about it.

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