Quote: Live life to the fullest, and focus on the positive.
-Matt Cameron
4 Ways You Can Start Being Happier Today
By: Brian Neal

1. Ditch the toxic people
If you have friends that you know are toxic, you need to let them go. You can spend time trying to explain to them that they make you feel bad, but you've probably done that before and nothing has changed. Stop trying to fix people or be everyone's friend, and put your own happiness first. You probably have decent friends in addition to the toxic ones. Focus your time on the ones you feel good with. Anyone who makes you feel upset, angry, or as if you don't matter is someone you need to stop talking to. You might feel bad for ignoring them in the beginning, but soon the weight of your relationship with them will lift and you'll be happier.
2. Practice being grateful
It's easy to focus on the negative things in your life such as a bad friend, a bad day, and things you don't have. Take time each day to remind yourself of all the things you do have. Be grateful for your good family and friends, your job, and your health. You can use a notebook to jot down a few things you're grateful for each day. Write down at least three things, but go as high as you want. You can never be too grateful.
3. Prioritize
Life can become hectic, and if you don't prioritize you may feel overwhelmed and stressed out. If you have a to-do list longer than your arm, focus on getting the top three things done. You only have one brain and two hands, so you can only do so much at one time. Focus on completing one task before moving on to another. You will be happy to find that you're completing tasks in full instead of making slight progress in each task.
4. Exercise
Physical activity releases chemicals called endorphins, which trigger happiness. Exercise will also help you have a better body image and more confidence, which is important for overall happiness. Fitness isn't just about how skinny or toned you are; pushing yourself to your limits will show you how strong and capable you are. Taking care of your body in the way that it deserves will make you feel better physically and mentally.
You have the ability to make yourself happy. It's all about making the right choices for your life. The choices aren't always easy, but in the long term will be better for you than settling. By making small changes and seeing how happy you can be, you will be encouraged to continue making changes that lead to greater happiness.
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