Wednesday, November 4, 2015

How to Drink More Water

Quote:  Work hard for what you want because it won't come to you without a fight. You have to be strong and courageous and know that you can do anything you put your mind to. If somebody puts you down or criticizes you, just keep on believing in yourself and turn it into something positive.
-Leah LaBelle

How to Drink More Water
By: Brian Neal

Water is essential for basic wellbeing -- all your organs and bodily systems need it to function, and health professionals always advise drinking enough water. But swallowing glass after glass of water is boring, and it can be hard to make sure you drink enough water every day. Here are some tricks to help you increase your daily intake and stay hydrated.

1. Drink first thing in the morning. As soon as you wake up, have a full glass of water before your coffee, tea or milk. Besides making you feel good, water rejuvenates your metabolism and keeps your body energized.

2. Get a cool water bottle. Sometimes you need to trick yourself to enjoy drinking water. Drinking from a cool bottle or container can encourage you to drink more and help make the process less of a chore.

3. Add flavor. You can make water more appealing by adding natural flavoring such as fruit juice. Squeeze half a lemon or orange into your water for a refreshing way to increase your intake.

4. Add fruit to your diet. Eating fruits with high water content contributes to your daily intake. For example, watermelon is 80% water, tastes sweet, promotes healthy body functions and contains lycopene, an important antioxidant.

5. Exercise regularly. Regular exercise can make you thirsty and encourage you to drink more water. Some people find it easier to drink water after their heart rate returns to normal, while others can sip comfortably as they exercise.

6. Drink on an empty stomach. Trying to drink water on a full stomach can be uncomfortable. Wait until your stomach is empty for an easier way to drink more water.

7. Keep a water bottle with you. Having your water bottle nearby when you take work breaks, watch television or go out for a walk will help you consume more water throughout the day.

Our bodies need water to function well and the importance of staying hydrated can't be overemphasized. There is no minimum recommended amount to drink -- your needs can change depending on your activity level. If you are thirsty, your body is telling you that you need more water, so drink as much as you need to stay hydrated.